A Diary Of Life Among Millennials

Tag: Man Bun

Man Bun Douche Bag Drinking Game

The third Wednesday of every month isn’t Prince Spaghetti Day in East Hollywood, it’s Man Bun Meet Up Day. Man Bun and five of his best pals, all with bun’s dyed different colors and small lap dogs carried in their left arms, have some sort of meeting at his apartment.

The OD and I watched this march for three months before we noticed the pattern. By month four we waited with Modelo Negra’s and a fifth of Jose Cuervo Gold on the stairs of SRO to begin a new drinking game: trying to guess what colors said man buns were. When a Man Bun participant arrives on the block, we look and bet a drink on the dye job. After said Man Bun tells us what his color is, usually the shade of one of Don Johnson’s t-shirts from Miami Vice, loser drinks. We both drink if they tell us anything with righteous indignation, ask why we are bothering them/doing this/being assholes etc or if they ignore our interrogatives.

Last month when the last Man Bun arrived he nearly jumped out of his white V-Neck t-shirt when the OD asked him his color although it was a rare no action wagered as we both agreed had to be blue.

“It’s Cerulean blue,” he said.

“Are you sure it looks more Navy blue to me,” I said.

The OD stood up and circled the stopped Man Bun who looked like he was about to be mugged taking the A Train. “No Carnal, it’s more a Royal blue.”

“You know if these guys had come up with the Gay Pride Flag they’d have done it in pastels,” I said.

“You can’t teach taste,” the OD said from behind the Last Man Bun. “Don’t worry Gabacho, I’m just admiring the shape of your bun.”

The Man Bun started shaking. “Rape,” he screamed and ran to the meeting place.

“Rape,” I said. “What goes through his head?”

“I think he saw the ink Carnal,” he pointed to one of his prison tattoos. “He must be realizing he’s not in his Mommy’s suburb no more. But it was blue. We both drink.”

Cut to last week.

The OD and I were gleefully awaiting our Man Bun Douche Bag Drinking Game, I had purple and he once again had blue. However, we pre-gamed a little too much and got lost in the why; why were these Man Bun’s meeting the third Wednesday of every month?

“I bet they’re a resistance cell,” the OD said.

“I bet they’re part of EST,” I said.

“It’s LA carnal. If they’re into that shit they’d be part of the Process,”

“Since the 1990’s De Grimston and the Church have been out of the self-help business. They run animal shelters in Utah now.”

“Charles Manson croaks and the whole world goes to shit. Waste of a perfectly good hippie cult if you ask me,” the OD mumbled.

I Screamed Rape Man Bun last month’s target started walking nervously up the hill. The OD bullied the poor boy into stopping. The terrified lad started to shake visibly as the OD circled him.

“Relax,” I said. “No one is going to hurt you. We just have a couple of questions.”

“Ok,” I Screamed Rape Man Bun stuttered. “What do you want to know.”

“What color is your bun today Gabacho,” the OD asked.


I pointed to the OD. “Drink!”

“What,” I Screamed Rape Man Bun said.

“Never mind. I need you to focus for me,” I said.

“I’ll try,” I Screamed Rape Man Bun stuttered.

“Ok good. Second question: you same five guys get together every third Wednesday of the month. Are you a resistance cell,” I asked.

“No the resistance cell meets every Sunday at 2:30pm at Kyle’s place 302 N. Heliotrope #7.”

“Do you need a password to get in,” the OD asked.

“No but you should bring a Fern for Kyle’s partner Taylor the first time you come.”

“Did they just move here from West Hollywood,” the OD winked at me.

“No she just likes Ferns.”

“So what is this little meet up,” I demanded.

“We’re a Conceivable Solutions Support Group,” he stuttered.

“What in the name of all that is holy is a Conceivable Solutions Support Group,” I wondered.

I Screamed Rape Man Bun straightened up and looked me in the eye as he spoke. “We believe Climate Change is killing the planet so we have decided not to conceive any children until something is done to stop it. We are here to support each other in this decision as well as any others who believe as we do.”

“What if part of the problem is the fact the planet is alive and changing so the Climate will always be changing,” the OD asked.

“There will be no procreation until Climate Change is a relic of the past,” he said proudly.

“I think Meathead thought the same thing on All In The Family but he knocked up Gloria anyway,” I said to the OD.

“I remember that episode!”

While the OD and I waxed poetic on the Meathead/Gloria relationship, I Screamed Rape Man Bun scurried up the hill to his meeting.

“How can you be sure you won’t knock your lady up Gabacho,” the OD screamed.

“We make our partners take the Pill and we practice the Rhythm Method,” he hollered into the East Hollywood night.

The OD looked over to me in shock; we had found a unicorn – the sole practicing Millennial Catholic.

Jews: The Brand

Thursday night.

Two self described ‘Bros’ sitting next to me at the Local drinking Blue Balls , which they claim are shots of Fireball with cans of PBR back, were rather distressing.

It wasn’t that they dressed alike with white t-shirts and Navy blue Dickie slacks or that they had the same Man bun and long ZZ Top black beard or that they had the same sleeve of the same Jewish themed tattoos all the way down their right arms. No. What stood out was they each had a tattoo of five numbers on their left forearm and nothing else but virgin flesh no Valley tattoo artist had yet feasted upon.

I tried to put it out of my mind but the numbers were so odd I couldn’t stop stealing glances.   After my second Tito’s Immaculate Conception I couldn’t stop staring.

“What are you looking at bro,” the Bro closest to me asked.

“Those numbers on your arms seem out of place,” I said.

The Bro furthest from me held up his left arm. “This is my grandfather’s tattoo number from Buchenwald bro.”

“This is my grandmother’s tattoo number from Auschwitz bro,” the Bro closest to me said.

“We’re taking back Jewish tattoos from the Nazi’s bro,” the Bro furthest from me said.

“Have a shot with us bro,” the Bro closest to me said.

While Jack the Albino poured the shots I decided to make one more attempt to explain to the Bros what their tattoos meant.

“You know those weren’t tattoos the Nazi’s put on the Jews arms.  They were brands placed strategically to humiliate those  people before they were murdered.”

“That’s right bro.  We’re taking back our brand,” the Bro furthest from me said.

Obviously I lost the debate.

Man Bun and A Line


As I was walking back from the market in the broiling gloaming I saw in the distance a couple arguing on the lawn next to my building. Although I tried to ignore them, I found myself gawking at them surreptitiously. The young lady was wearing a gray A line suit with the skirt hitting just below the knees, a long sleeve jacket and an envelope hat. He was dressed in true bro style: shorts, ripped t-shirts flip flops and a man bun. Not just any man bun but one that was dyed bright pink with the rest of his brown hair frosted at the tips.

I tried to walk past quickly but it was then I heard their voices in this disagreement about something in a language that sounded like English but the words seemed to be in all the wrong places for the standard subject, object, predicate style; these were my neighbors across the driveway, they of the ‘Angry Chair‘ karaoke and the decision that every song needs a hip hop beat behind it. All surreptitiousness left me. I just turned and glared.

“Do you have a problem,” A Line asked me with a true tone of shrill righteous indignation in her voice.

I quickly regained my composure. “I’m loving your outfit. The Maxene Andrews homage? Love it! Truly fabulous.”

“This look is totally my creation. I would never stoop to look like some stupid disco singer from 1979!” With that she turned on the heel of her Spectator pump and jumped into the Lyft that had just arrived for her.

I turned back and Man Bun was standing in a pose that was half run in the house half let me get in your face. “You are so sexist,” he said and marched into the house.

I walked the last 10 feet back to the house confused. I know I had been properly chastised but I’m not quite sure for what.